2016 Rocky Mountain Land Use Conference

This year’s Western Places/Western Spaces conference will address the transformative land use legal and policy developments in the Rocky Mountain West that have influenced the shape of our communities today. We will also explore the trends and innovations—like demographic shifts, climate change, and economic forces—that are likely to affect the future of the West.

Cattle as Land Healers

Cattle as Land Healers

At Bio-Logical Capital, we believe in taking the time to fully understand the natural systems in which we work. As we are in awe of the elegance, resiliency and complexity of nature, we try our best to emulate the patterns, forms and processes that we observe. Nature is our model for sustainably producing food, cleaning water, supplying energy and shaping our built environment. We are testing these ideas on the ground at Hana Ranch in Hawaii.

Farm Smarter, Not Harder

Farm Smarter, Not Harder

That quote regarding “the truth cannot be unseen” pretty much sums up my understanding of sustainable agriculture.  All the years of “that won’t work here”, “you can’t feed the world with organic food”, “it’s not as productive”, “oh those chemicals don’t hurt anything”, “there’s no way to make that affordable”, and all the other go-to myths people spout against the practice tend to drain one’s resolve.  Even though I have life-long experience with organic farming, a degree in plant and soil science, and a passion for knowledge, only recently have I been shown the truth.