Luiz Da Costa

operations, director

Luiz brings over twenty years of project management experience with a focus on complex and ambitious planning and development work in the food system. After studying business administration at Universidade Estácio de Sá in Luiz’s hometown of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, he served as executive chef in some of Boston’s finest restaurants before moving into food service management. Focusing on greater impact in his community, Luiz initiated ‘farm to fork’ and ‘food for free’ donation programs at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Harvard University where he worked for over a decade.

Over the years, Luiz has managed people from every possible background and developed a hands-on approach to mentoring based on open and honest communication. Most recently Luiz was the Director of Operations for Bon Appétit Management Company at their MIT campus. He is a member of the American Culinary Federation and Research Chefs Association. He has a Global Leadership Management Certification from Harvard University, a Hospitality Management Certification from Cornell University, and a Human Resources Certification from Human Resources Institute.

Growing up in Rio, Luiz earned money for his family by picking vegetables and eggs at local farms, learning from farmers about the daily challenges of their work, and how vital healthy ecosystems are to human survival and wellbeing. The relationship of food, nature and culture drives Luiz’s work. Outside of his professional life, his curiosity and love of nature leads him to explore other countries through running and he’s had the privilege of running marathons across the world.


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