Creating Complete Water Systems

Creating Complete Water Systems

We consider stewarding water from a sustainable source, to an appropriate use, to low impact treatment and reuse as an imperative cycle. We see the natural water resources on our land as a complete system. We identify the multiple uses, complementary uses, and natural tools available to purify water. Our practices return water to the aquifer, stream, or watershed from which it was harvested cleaner than when it was borrowed.

Welcome to Our New Site

Welcome to Our New Site

We are proud to share that Bio-Logical Capital just launched a new website, and we invite you to take a look and tell us what you think. We created this website as we felt that it was time to provide you – our partners, neighbors, clients, and friends – with new vibrant photos and inspiring stories about the work that has kept us so busy over the past several years.

2016 Year in Review

2016 Year in Review

As 2016 comes to an end, our team is reflecting on what a busy year it has been for the development of our projects. Bio-Logical Capital is a land management and investment company. We work with investors and landowners to design, build, and manage diverse land-based projects in urban and rural environments. We work with and within the natural environment to create vibrant and healthy communities. We hope you have a happy holiday season and we look forward to collaborating next year.

2016 Rocky Mountain Land Use Conference

This year’s Western Places/Western Spaces conference will address the transformative land use legal and policy developments in the Rocky Mountain West that have influenced the shape of our communities today. We will also explore the trends and innovations—like demographic shifts, climate change, and economic forces—that are likely to affect the future of the West.

Cattle as Land Healers

Cattle as Land Healers

At Bio-Logical Capital, we believe in taking the time to fully understand the natural systems in which we work. As we are in awe of the elegance, resiliency and complexity of nature, we try our best to emulate the patterns, forms and processes that we observe. Nature is our model for sustainably producing food, cleaning water, supplying energy and shaping our built environment. We are testing these ideas on the ground at Hana Ranch in Hawaii.