
Following Fleece: From Farm to Market

Following Fleece: From Farm to Market

There are many factors that go into why a farmer may choose to have livestock or not, and furthermore, what type or species to have. Factors may include their land management goals, access to processing facilities, and available markets. In our first fiber blog, we looked at the long history of textiles, how clothes came to be, and how interwoven plant and animal fibers are with today’s agriculture.

Betting on the Farm

Betting on the Farm

It was a strange way to decide to become a farmer, but as I have learned, the process of becoming a farmer can take many different forms. It is something that I have seen firsthand through my work with the Conservation Innovation Grant (CIG) called Managing Pasture for Healthy Farms and Soils Across Vermont on which Bio-Logical Capital is one of several partners.

Nicholas Ward’s Community Mural

Nicholas Ward’s Community Mural

Bio-Logical Capital has partnered with Urban Villages on an interim installation near the project that rethinks the role urban development can play in a community. Although construction sites represent the promise of something new, they are often disruptive—blocking sidewalks and creating noise pollution and dust that burdens the people and businesses in the community. But this doesn’t need to be the whole story.